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MIS & FAS Supplier Framework

MIS & FAS Supplier Framework

Following a robust selection process we are pleased to announce the suppliers who have been carefully chosen to provide MIS and FAS systems for schools and academies.

All our suppliers have been pre-qualified for use within Schools therefore, you have a guarantee that suppliers are all:

· Systems will work fully on at least one of the following operating systems: Windows, Android, MAC OS and Chrome.

· MIS Lots will allow customers to turn off API integration.

· All upgrades are included within the initial pricing, this includes both bug fixes and standard upgrades.

· FAS lots allow all reports to be exported to Excel in ‘raw’ (e.g. CSV).

· The Framework has been procured compliantly under the relevant public procurement legislation to support a reduction in your procurement timescales and reduce the risk within your organisation.

· All terms have been drafted with public sector organisations requirements in mind and have been pre-agreed with the suppliers.

MIS Products on the Framework


FAS Products on the Framework



MIS & FAS Framework Agreement

This section contains a number of documents to help schools make informed decisions as to whether this framework will meet their needs.

The User Guide provides an overview of the Framework and includes information on:


Product Information

Please see supplier website links above

Call-Off Documentation 

Call-Off Terms – MIS FAS (Final)

FTS Notices

MIS FAS in Educational Establishments Framework – Contract Notice.

MIS/FAS in Educational Establishments Framework – Find a Tender

For more information please do not hesitate to contact us.