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SSL Certification

NYES Digital is committed to keeping you and your users safe online. We offer our SSL secured website and server service, for both single and multiple sites.

What is SSL ?

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. This link ensures that all data passed between the web server and browsers remain private. Sites with SSL encryption are obvious to the user as the site address will include HTTPS as opposed to HTTP and, depending on browser, will have a green padlock or the word “secure” in the address bar.

This type of security is seen on sites such as Amazon to help the user verify the site they are using is genuine and secure. HTTPS is swiftly becoming more prevalent amongst all types of websites, not just those that take personal details from users

Visiting a site with SSL encryption gives the user peace of mind that the provider is genuine. Browsers now warn users when their connection is insecure, which may put some users off visiting non-secure websites. In order to keep traffic to school websites, it is strongly advised that they use SSL encryption. Google also prioritises sites that have SSL encryption in their search rankings. In order for schools to maintain a good ranking within Google search, it is again strongly advisable that they purchase SSL encryption for their website.

For websites:

  • Domain validation
  • Up to 256-bit SSL encryption
  • Improved SEO ranking on Google
  • Unlimited secure subdomains protection of all sub domains.

For servers:

  • Supply and Purchase of SSL certificate
  • Security for internal school servers
  • Remote Access Servers
  • Secure access into school
  • Wildcard SSL allows protection allows protection of all sub domains.