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01609 536 086

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Web Services Terms and Conditions

Service Delivery Terms and Conditions – Cirrus Team

    1. Service Desk

The NYES Digital Help Desk is the single point of contact to access all NYES Digital services. The customer should be aware that directing support requests to individuals within NYES Digital will inevitably lead to delays in logging and dealing with requests. All calls received by the Help Desk are logged and monitored to successful resolution within the terms of the SLA. The Help Desk is open every weekday, including school holidays but excluding Public Holidays. Opening hours are:


Monday to Thursday   

8:00am to 5:00pm



8:00am to 4:30pm


The customer may contact the Service Desk & Cirrus Team in a variety of ways:


By telephone : 01609 536 086 (During stated Help Desk opening hours)


By E-mail cirrus@nyes.digital


Via the NYES Digital web site : https://nyes.digital


Calls are assigned a priority based on impact and severity. The assigned priority level sets response and resolution targets as described in the section Key Performance Indicators later in this document.

2. Cirrus Team Knowledge and Skills

Currently we have four permanent full-time members of the Cirrus Team, plus access to all NYES Digital Staff.


  • WordPress including plugins (YOAST, LearnDash, WP Cache, REDIS Object Cache, Ninja Forms)
  • Divi WordPress Theme & Visual Page Builder
  • CRM (Customer Relation Management) – CIVI , WS Desk, Event Booking
  • Web Presence Builder
  • Cloud Server Technologies
  • Plesk Obsidian Hosting Solution
  • Database (MYSQL) Management
  • Linux Cent OS  / Alma Linux (Server Operating System) and related tools (WINSCP, SSH, FTP, File Permissions, update management)
  • HTML and CSS Coding (including Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 and above, Notepad++)
  • Template design and modification
  • DNS and Domain Management
  • Redundancy, Backup and Restoration Management of a hosted environment
  • Web Security Management (including Firewall, CloudFlare, Plesk Watchdog and Security Advisor)
  • Developing and maintaining documentation
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools
  • Microsoft 365 Products
    • Tenancy creation, branding and security configuration
    • Teams creation and configuration
    • SharePoint site design and security configuration
    • Intune configuration for endpoint device, application and security management
    • Email, PowerShell, Active Directory/AD Connect
    • Productivity tools ; Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint
  • Project Management using Agile Development methodologies
  • Customer Training expertise
  • Graphic & Image Design using Adobe Photoshop CS4 and Adobe Fireworks CS4 and above
  • Web accessibility and privacy policies WCAG 2.1
  • Social Media Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linked In

3. NYES Digital Obligations

NYES Digital will take full ownership of all calls made by the customer to the Help Desk, monitoring against SLA targets and managing to successful closure. NYES Digital will attempt to diagnose reported faults at first contact and so may request the customer carry out some simple troubleshooting or initiate a remote support session to isolate the cause of the problem. Once a fault has been resolved, the Help Desk will contact the customer by telephone or e-mail to confirm that the applied solution was successful. At this point the call will be closed.


Escalation: If the customer is not satisfied with the progress of a call, escalation may be initiated via the contacts outlined below.


1st Level     

Kris Kane

NYES Digital ICT Officer   


2nd Level      

Dorian Robinson

Operational Team Leader


3rd Level

Nic Watters

ICT Development Manager



For each call logged, the customer will be given a unique reference number and a priority level will be agreed based on the information contained in the Key Performance Indicators listed later in the document.

4. Customer Obligations

The customer should report all faults to the Help Desk as soon as they arise. When contacting the Help Desk, the following information will be required:

  • Customer and Contact details
  • Site location – if this differs from main contact address
  • Contact Number(s) – landline or mobile with suggested best contact times
  • Call details
  • Site access times should a visit be necessary.

The customer should be prepared to initiate remote access at the request of the Help Desk. The customer shall provide SICT officers with full and free access to their ICT systems and other equipment for the purposes of performing the service.


Complaints and Comments

If you wish to make a complaint or comment regarding a chat (i.e. that you think it is objectionable or in breach of these terms and conditions) then please contact us through our contact form here

5. Notice Period and Cancellation Arrangements

In line with other traded services of North Yorkshire County Council, NYES Digital contractual arrangements require a *one month notice period by either party for termination. The customer is required to confirm, in writing, their decision to terminate either by e-mail to cirrus@NYES.digital , or by post to:


NYES Digital

North Yorkshire Council


County Hall


North Yorkshire



*SLA’s are non-refundable as resources and staffing require advance planning and sourcing for the SLA period.

6. Services Outline

    • To undertake the analysis, design, development, testing, implementation and documentation of your package and utilising 3rd party developed components and bought in packaged software if required;
    • To undertake agreed duties and tasks allocated as agreed with the Customer
    • To manage tasks/projects against agreed delivery schedule using agile methodologies and provide details to the Customer
    • Follow predefined standards for the implementation of information and web services systems.
    • Deliver online experience to the majority of users by thoroughly testing websites on widely-used browsers, software and hardware combinations. Acknowledge the diversity of web browsers, software and hardware devices available, which makes it impractical to cater to all (out of date, legacy products etc.)
    • Ensure all work is fully tested, within deadlines, to meet the customer requirements.
    • Liaise with other teams within the organisation to provide an effective and efficient service to their customers;
    • Provide best practice information to all levels of organisation with focus on web site development.
    • Provide, or assist in, the delivery of enhanced technical support to users of business or the web services systems supported by the team;
    • Provide accurate details on progress of allocated work;
    • Follow standards of documentation and change control, and keep information up to date.
    • To encourage and provide support to customer and colleagues;
    • Train new and existing personnel in appropriate skills;
    • Work with other members of the team to broaden knowledge and technical expertise and to keep up to date with changes in technology, assessing potential benefits and risk whilst promoting awareness.
    • To comply with the Council’s policies and supporting documentation in relation to Data Protection, Information Security and Confidentiality.
    • We aim to make sure that services are provided fairly to all sections of your community, and that all our existing and future customers have equal opportunities;
    • Work in accordance with the aims of the North Yorkshire Council Equality Policy Statement.

6.a Internet Services Core SLA

DNS (Domain Name Service) management

  • The technology that makes your website, email and other web services work.  


Hosting – storage space for your website files.  

  • Linux based Cloud Server Plesk Hosting Environment 
  • FTP – Access and manage your web files 
  • Plesk Advanced allows you to self-manage your web services 
  • Unlimited Traffic 
  • 3 Gb Storage + 1 MYSQL Database 


Server Management and Security 

  • Daily and Weekly server checks  
  • Fully hardware redundant with 99.9% uptime.
  • Backup – UK based multi-tiered and geographically separate
  • Server Management and Security – Includes Firewall, Security Policy, active monitoring and intrusion detection. Immunify Anti-Virus and Cloudflare CDN.


Unlimited support, advice and guidance 

  • Remote connection to your computer for direct support.
  • No limits are placed on the frequency or volume of requests.
  • Contact us via : phone, email, Teams chat and web chat.

6.b Internet Services Complete SLA

DNS (Domain Name Service) management

  • The technology that makes your website, email and other web services work.  


Hosting – storage space for your website files.  

  • Linux based Cloud Server Plesk Hosting Environment 
  • FTP – Access and manage your web files 
  • Plesk Advanced allows you to self-manage your web services 
  • Unlimited Traffic 
  • 3 Gb Storage + 1 MYSQL Database 


Server Management and Security 

  • Daily and Weekly server checks  
  • Fully hardware redundant with 99.9% uptime.
  • Backup – UK based multi-tiered and geographically separate
  • Server Management and Security – Includes Firewall, Security Policy, active monitoring and intrusion detection. Immunify Anti-Virus and Cloudflare CDN.


Unlimited support, advice and guidance 

  • Remote connection to your computer for direct support.
  • No limits are placed on the frequency or volume of requests.
  • Contact us via : phone, email, Teams chat and web chat.


Website Security 

  • Plugin management of NYES Digital approved plugins.
  • WordPress updates, core management  and Monitoring
  • Server management and upgrades (PHP, Apache, MYSQL)


*Disclaimer ; Customers installing non approved plugins are responsible for any impact on their website.  The Customer thereby accepts liability and responsibility for any loss of service, content, or misuse of accounts and dissemination of information which may occur due to these changes. We reserve the right to remove unapproved or poor quality plugins.

6.c Website Content Managed Service SLA and Fair Use Policy

*Includes Internet Services Complete SLA (Option 2)


Weekly access to our Cirrus team to update your website content on your behalf.  This is ideal for a single website customer who wants to upload a regular newsletter and various general documents or content.


Further time can be bought and called off as required.

      • Amends to content, including text and addition of documents such as policies and newsletters
      • Amends to images on the site, addition of galleries, resizing of images for optimal viewing
      • Submission of articles to the web system
      • Includes Internet Services Complete SLA (Hosting, Support, DNS and, Server Management and Security)


Not included
      • Complex Graphical design work and graphical editing
      • Template development or amends to existing template
      • Full Ofsted checks
      • Amendments to uploaded documents (e.g. PDFs) within the website
      • Plugin or website development
Fair use would be considered up to 1 hour per week*
      • Simple Content (e.g. single newsletter, policy or document) will be completed within 4 working hours provided there are no ongoing server or technical issues which may need prioritisation.
      • Moderate Complexity Content (e.g. page layout with multiple  images, files and text) that require specific deadlines should be notified 24 hours prior to requirement in order to allow resource allocation.
      • Fair use means tasks will be prioritised based on service demand – All customers will be allocated time evenly over a week.
      • Where possible content updates should be collated into a single digest on a weekly basis via digital methods (e-mail, SharePoint, One Drive).
      • Where possible documents should be supplied in pdf format.


*NYES Digital manage over 500 domains over 3 Servers and resource allocation needs to be planned in advance. The managed service is load balanced so that time is fairly allocated to all customers.

6.d Website Fully Managed Service SLA and Fair Use Policy

*Includes Internet Services Complete SLA (Option 2)


Full access to our Cirrus team to update your website on your behalf. Time can be used for development work on services, additional content or features . Full days will be tracked hourly up to a maximum of 7.5 hours of your purchased time.


Further time can be bought and called off as required.

      • Complex Graphical design work and graphical editing
      • Template development or amends to existing template
      • Ofsted or content checks
      • Website design and template work
      • Plugin due diligence and deployment
      • Accessibility or SEO work


Not included
      • Bespoke coded applications


Fair use policy

Simple content
(e.g. single newsletter, policy or document)

Completed within 4 working hours provided there are no ongoing server or technical issues which may need prioritisation.

Moderate Complexity development
(e.g. single page layout with multiple images, files and text) that require specific deadlines

Should be notified 24 hours prior to requirement in order to allow resource allocation.

High Complexity development
(e.g. multiple template layouts with multiple  images, files and text or new plugins and tools) that require specific deadlines

Should be notified 1 weeks prior to requirement in order to allow resource allocation.


    • Fair use means tasks will be prioritised based on service demand – All customers will be allocated time evenly over a week.
    • Where possible content updates should be collated into a single digest on a weekly basis
    • Ongoing content updates to be supplied via electronic methods (e-mail, CD-ROM, SharePoint, one drive).
    • Where possible documents should be supplied in pdf format.

7. Key Performance Indicators

Priority Level
Response (95%)
Resolution (90%)


Managed Service *

< 2 working hours

< 4 working hours


Web Support

< 4 working hours

< 2 working days


Development Time

< 1 working day

As agreed with customer


DNS Change

< 2 working days

As agreed with customer

 Response is defined by the first action taken by NYES Digital to resolve the customer’s call. We aim to achieve target response for 95% of all calls.

* provided there are no ongoing server or technical issues which may need prioritisation.