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Broadband Services

Providing safe access browsing

NYES Digital will work with you to deliver a package of support for your school which includes:

  • A suitable Broadband connection
  • Online Security and filtering
  • Microsoft Office 365 including email
  • Unlimited Help Desk Support
  • Options for mobile phones
  • Options for Website Hosting


Risk free broadband, antivirus and filtering services to help keep your school or business safe.

At NYES Digital we want schools to use the best and safest broadband options available and be confident in their choice.

Access to the internet is achieved through three elements:

  • a physical connection to a network
  • filtering for safer surfing
  • the software to enable messages to be sent

Through partnerships, NYES Digital is able to offer the following packages

  • Connectivity by NYnet
  • Filtering by Smoothwall
  • Antivirus by Sophos
  • Email and encryption by Microsoft 365

It is not just about what is right for today but what’s right for tomorrow and next year.

All suppliers, including NYES Digital ask schools to sign up for a period of time so it is important to get it right from the start.

We’ll spend time with you to work out how your school uses the internet to find the best broadband service that strikes a balance between cost, access and speed and is future-proof.