This primary school recently embraced ESS SIMS cloud-based offering, with support from our MIS team within NYES Digital.
The school administrator has provided valuable feedback.
The registers are always accessible in the class and doesn’t rely on a student remembering to return the register at lunchtime
It is quick and easy for the teacher to take the register in class
Holidays/sickness can be pre-populated in advance by admin
As the administrator, I don’t have to walk around collecting the registers in a morning, so not disrupting lessons and saving me time and not being away from the office at a busy time for visitors and phone calls
Great that SIMS Next Gen instantly integrates with SIMS desktop version
A whole weeks registers no longer need to be data inputted on a Friday, so again saving administration time
The attendance data is more up to date as it is being inputted daily, rather than once a week
The school are now exploring the additional cloud functionality and we look forward to supporting them. Should you wish to discuss SIMS Next Gen please get in touch with your MIS team.