by Cirrus SICT | Feb 26, 2018
7 Delve What is Delve? Have you ever wanted to find all the documents around a particular subject? Or is there a member of staff you are about to have a meeting with, and you need to get up to speed on what they have been working on recently? Delve can help. It...
by Cirrus SICT | Feb 19, 2018
7 Office 365 Security and Compliance Features Office 365 has numerous Security and Compliance features that you can use to keep your data safe and comply with data privacy and governance regulations. Many of these features are available as standard, bundled into the...
by Cirrus SICT | Feb 2, 2018
7 Office 365 – Is My Data Safe? So you’ve decided to make the move to Office 365. But there is one question you might be asking. Is my data safe? Rest assured that Microsoft takes the safety of your data very seriously. Security – Office 365 uses a...